LIFE aid for Environment and resource efficiency traditional projects

08/04/2020. The Environment and Climate Action Programme (LIFE) is the European Union’s financial instrument dedicated to the environment for the period 2014-2020. Its overall objective is to contribute to sustainable development and the achievement of the objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy and the EU’s environment and climate strategies. One of the sub-programmes of LIFE is the Environment, which represents 75% of the total funding.

LIFE co-finances up to 55% of projects in the priority area of Environment and Resource Efficiency (the Environment Sub-Programme) especially in the areas of air, chemicals, green and circular economy, industrial accidents, marine and coastal management, noise, soil, waste, water and urban environment. The programme provides grants for pilot and demonstration projects to develop, test and demonstrate policy or management approaches. It also covers the development and demonstration of innovative technologies, the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of EU environmental policy and law, as well as best practices and solutions. In particular, the European Commission seeks new technologies and solutions that are ready to be applied under near-market conditions, on an industrial or commercial scale, for the duration of the project.

In the framework of the LIFE Programme and the 2020 call, there are interesting opportunities to give continuity to several actions of the Iberian Centre for Research and Fight against Forest Fires (CILIFO). The project could obtain alternative sources of funding for some lines of study, research and dissemination being carried out by the project’s different Working Groups. Furthermore, a proposal promoted by CILIFO within the framework of the LIFE Programme could exploit the good practices of CILIFO and the results obtained by the CILIFO Working Groups.

The CILIFO project, which is a European project focused on the prevention and extinction of forest fires, as well as on the adaptation and mitigation of climate change, is led by the Andalusian Regional Government (Spain). CILIFO has the first accelerator/incubator specialized in the prevention and extinction of forest fires and co-founded by an Interreg programme in Europe, «Firefighting Open Innovation Lab – CILIFO», which can contribute with innovative solutions. This Open Innovation Lab welcomes entities (entrepreneurs, spin-offs, start-ups, SMEs…) working in the field of climate change adaptation and mitigation, including forest fire prevention and extinction.

Target: the programme is aimed at consortia between public and private organisations at local level, councils, town halls, universities, public or private companies (including SMEs) and associations. Startups and entrepreneurs can also apply for the aid, as innovation in low-cost technologies for easy application in different areas is particularly encouraged.

Procedure: the Environment Subprogramme is divided into two stages: first a 10-page «concept note» is presented. You can modify a concept note submitted as many times as you wish until the call for project proposals is closed. Then, if the concept reaches the second stage, it will be necessary to send the complete project proposal based on the comments of the LIFE programme. The average budget per project is EUR 1 to 2 million.

Deadline for concept notes for traditional environment and resource efficiency projects: 14 July 2020.

Project example: HyperIN
Hyper [IN] is a revolutionary thermal and acoustic insulation material with permanent fire resistance. It is an internationally patented material that is biodegradable, insulating and fireproof, manufactured mainly from recyclable materials, which is mainly applied in the construction sector. A characteristic of this product is that a large part of its components are obtained from recycled products following the principles of the circular economy. This project is characterized by applying the principles of the circular economy, since it is composed of recycled materials that are reused (such as rice straw), with the aim of providing solutions to various environmental problems using 100% recycled and natural materials.

Responding to the COVID-19 pandemic: Due to the COVID-19 health crisis, projects dedicated to the management of the COVID-19 pandemic have taken on special relevance for the European Commission, encouraging research into systems of contagion and control of pandemics. It is not only researching new drugs or vaccines that may be of special interest in the fight against the coronavirus but also looking for projects that have unique viability in this field so important at present.

EU applicants are encouraged to reflect on what elements of their project can help prevent, mitigate, manage the current crisis or recover from a similar health crisis in the future. The aim is that any project that has some element, however small, that can collaborate or add to a much larger and more coordinated response in the fight against the pandemic, can be investigated from a health approach in order to readopt it and turn it into a response that, coming from different projects, can become a solution greater than the sum of its parts.

For more information contact the Coordinator of the CILIFO project at the Finnova Foundation, José Manuel Requena ( or visit the website




CILIFO en la EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) 2020

25.03.2020. La Semana de la Energía Sostenible de la UE (EUSEW) 2020 tendrá lugar en Bruselas del 22 al 26 de junio de 2020. La “Policy Conference” es la mayor conferencia europea dedicada a las energías renovables y el uso eficiente de la energía en Europa.

Las sesiones organizadas por la Comisión Europea y las partes interesadas se centran en cuestiones de energía sostenible, debaten nuevos desarrollos de políticas, mejores prácticas e ideas de energía sostenible.

Energy Days son actividades y eventos organizados por organizaciones locales públicas y privadas de toda Europa para promover la energía limpia y la eficiencia energética. Son un componente clave de la Semana de la Energía Sostenible de la UE.

Dentro de las tareas de comunicación, internacionalización, explotación de resultados, capitalización y captación de tecnologías, emprendedores, start-ups y pymes para que participen en el “Firefighting Open Innovation Lab – Cilifo”, y poder hacer el catálogo de tecnologías innovadoras, la Fundación Finnova (beneficiaria del proyecto) solicitará la participación en la Energy Week 2020 mediante la organización de un Energy Day.

Organizar un Energy Days brinda la oportunidad de compartir el proyecto y sus ideas y debatir soluciones con la comunidad, con los que toman las decisiones y con el público en general; y mostrar cómo CILIFO está desempeñando un papel activo en el logro de los objetivos energéticos y climáticos de la UE.

Al registrar su evento como Energy Day, el proyecto CILIFO y su aceleradora, el Firefighting Open Innovatio Lab, se convierten en parte de la Semana de la Energía Sostenible de la UE, ya que se obtendrá visibilidad en toda la UE al convocar un evento en el sitio web de EUSEW y usar materiales con la marca EUSEW del kit de herramientas del organizador del Energy Day.

Cualquier beneficiario del proyecto interesado en hacer eventos deslocalizados, acciones formativas, de networking o comunicativas del proyecto CILIFO, puede participar y organizar su propio Energy Day.


Grants for communication and information activities on matters within the remit of the State Secretariat for the EU

19.03.2020. As a consequence of the declaration of a state of alert for the management of the health crisis situation caused by COVID-19, terms are suspended and the deadlines for the processing of procedures by public sector entities are interrupted. The calculation of terms will be resumed at the moment that the Royal Decree loses its validity or, if applicable, the extensions thereof. The validity of the Royal Decree is 15 calendar days from its publication in the BOE.

The new closing date of the procedure at Headquarters will be from 24:00 on 25 March to 24:00 on 9 April 2020, unless the state of alarm is extended

This procedure makes it possible to apply for grants to finance activities related to the European Union, taking place during the year 2020, from the time when the grant is known until 30 September 2020, in the context of the Conference on the Future of Europe.

To apply for a grant, you must submit the forms and documents referred to in point 5 of the call for proposals.

Applications may be submitted electronically via the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation:


Any natural or legal person, not belonging to the public sector, legally constituted, who, in any case, meets and is able to prove the following requirements:

  • No profit-making activity.
  • Compliance with tax and Social Security obligations, in accordance with the provisions of Article 22 of Royal Decree 887/2006 of 21 July.
  • To have sufficient means and capacity to carry out the activities and to guarantee compliance with the objectives set out in those activities.
  • Not be covered by any of the cases set out in Article 13(2) and (3) of Law 38/2003 of 17 November 2003 on the prohibition on obtaining public aid or subsidies.

Limit: The maximum amount of the grant requested may not exceed 15% of the total expenditure authorized to finance the call, set this year at 279,540.00

Contact: Finnova Foundation:

EIC Accelerator call for green companies – Green Deal

This specific EIC Accelerator call contributes to the implementation of the Green Deal objectives. It aims to encourage impact investment by supporting the development and market implementation of innovations that can put our socioeconomic systems on a more sustainable path. Projects must support the implementation of the Green Deal by contributing significantly (and proposals must quantitatively estimate that contribution) to at least one of the following sustainability objectives:

  1. Clean energy
  2. A sustainable industry
  3. Build and Renovate
  4. Sustainable mobility
  5. Biodiversity
  6. From the farm to the table
  7. Removing contamination

It is a call for proposals from 0.5 to 2.5M euros and is aimed at SMEs, start-ups, spin-offs established in European Union member countries or associated countries.

Type of aid: Non-refundable grant

Equipment available: 303.000.000 €

For more information: contact Finnova Foundation (

The next EU LIFE Information and Networking day will be online, as a precaution, due to Coronavirus

19.03.2020. The European Commission is organising a Virtual Information Day on the LIFE 2020 call for project proposals. Due to the outbreak of coronavirus, as a precautionary measure, this event will now be a virtual conference, on 30 April 2020.

The event is open to potential applicants submitting project proposals on green technology, nature protection and climate action.

Centro Ibérico para la Investigación y Lucha contra Incendios Forestales (CILIFO) will be present, through the Finnova Foundation, at the next LIFE event as a project proposal on green technology, nature protection and climate action.

According to information on the website, the information session on the 2020 LIFE call will cover significant changes in the programme compared to previous years.

Main topics: Environmental technologies and solutions including water, waste, air quality, soil, forest, health, climate change adaptation; climate change mitigation; nature conservation and biodiversity; climate and environmental governance and information initiatives.

To participate in the event: